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E-commerce Inventory
Masterclass Series

Transforming Risk into Profits

Our exclusive inventory masterclass series is packed with expert insights and strategies for success from well-known names in e-commerce and retail - created to help you avoid risk and boost profit.

Every month we'll cover a key topic, from reducing excess stock and holding costs through to inventory strategies proven to boost sales. Dip in and out as you like to discover everything you need to increase your margins, save time and de-risk your inventory planning and purchasing.

Webinar : 31st July 2024, 4 pm GMT / 11 am EST

How To Master The Art of B2B Inventory Planning

Did you know the global e-commerce B2B industry is worth an estimated $7.7 trillion? That’s more than double the size of the direct-to-consumer market. Even more impressive, this figure is projected to grow by 18% annually until 2030!

Clearly, there’s never been a better time to add B2B – but there are important things to think about.

If you want to make adding B2B as simple and profitable as possible, you’ll need to:  

  1. Ensure you can precisely forecast for large inventory volumes (spreadsheets and guesswork won’t cut it!)  
  2. Have a plan covering how and where you purchase your inventory, where you stock it, and how you track it across all storage locations
  3. Be flexible in which orders are included in your forecasts (not every B2B order is the same; some will be large and sporadic, while others might be similar and more like DTC orders)

Join Chloë Thomas of Ecommerce Masterplan and a panel of industry experts as we cover the challenges and opportunities ahead (including those mentioned above) and the art of forecasting demand specifically for B2B and wholesale markets.

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Featured Speakers

  • Retail Minded
  • Sage
  • Sparkle in Pink
  • Alison Metcalfe
  • Max + Stone
  • Bower Collective
  • UWP
  • Feedom Rave Wear
  • Boon
  • Vikki Vi
  • Fashion Capital
  • Goose and Gander
  • Flare
  • The Charity Hub
  • 5874 Commerce
  • HubBox
  • tbco
  • Sparklayer
  • Red Hawke Media


The State of
Inventory in 2024

The State of Inventory in 2024 Guide