
Inventory Planner launches Xero Integration

Inventory Planner users can now sync purchase orders to Xero to keep purchasing information up to date for accounting purposes.

Coordinating purchase orders with your accounting system can help standardize operational data. Inventory Planner integrates with Xero as an accounting integration. Note that this is an accounting integration and not a full integration with Xero. Click here to see the full list of software that integrates with Inventory Planner to import sales and product information.

Got purchase orders?  A PO is pushed to Xero right after you save it to Inventory Planner with enabled “Save to Xero” option.

Just as you can create a purchase order with Xero, you can save a PO to Inventory Planner without pushing it to Xero. If you save a PO with the disabled “Save to Xero” option, it won’t be pushed to Xero. We recommend using it for drafting purchase orders.

However, all of the products listed on your PO must exist in Xero. Inventory Planner cannot save a PO to Xero until all products exist. In case of missing product, you’ll see a dialog box allowing you to create these products automatically.

Neither does Inventory Planner have the capacity to pull stock and sales history for Xero. That information will pull from the connected sales platform. The accounting integration is built only for pushing purchase orders from Inventory Planner to Xero.

Inventory Planner is excited to work with Xero customers with this new accounting integration. You can create purchase orders for all your products, saving you time to allow you working in your business, not on it.